With the exception of pheromone, the majority of products available or approved for moth control are universal in their control; placement of an insecticidal spray will not distinguish between moth species and they will be killed shortly after the come into contact with the product.
Below are the products that are used for moth control; please see specific moth species for multi-bundle kits that are suitable for specific moth control.

Pheromone Pads
Pheromone pads are an extremely popular device and an essential product for both identification, treatment and prevention. The pheromone lure replicates a female moth species and attracts the male towards a sticky adhesive and unescapable pad.
This device is an important tool for the user to understand the size of the population, location of the activity, the success of any treatment and monitoring of any reoccurrence.
Pheromone pads can independently control a small or emerging infestation however along they are unlikely to control an established or growing population.

Insecticidal Sprays
The insecticidal spray is a product used to kill adult moths as they emerge from their larvae stage. Spray products are used as an important and reliable method of control of both small and large infestations but they do have limitations as they do not kill the egg or larvae.
Our sprays only work as they come into direct contact with the adult moth so this is either undertaken as a directly targeted spray or as a residual spray to the areas of activity; as the moths come into contact with the formulation they will quickly succumb to the product.

Insecticidal Powders
Powders are an excellent option for treating moths within confined spaces and areas where avoidance cannot be avoided; examples would include under carpets or heavy furniture where ecosystems can go unnoticed for several years.
Powders that contain insecticide should be used in areas that are not at risk of coming into contact with non-target animals. If in doubt use the non-toxic diatomaceous earth product below.

Non-Toxic / Organic Powders
Similar to the above insecticidal powder our non-toxic option is used for areas that are more sensitive areas that may come into contact with animals or people; in particular our diatomaceous earth is an insect-specific product suitable for moth control.
Diatomaceous earth under the microscope has extremely sharp edges that cut the outer wax of the moth’s exoskeleton both in the adult and larvae stages. Moths have no resistance to this product and will quickly succumb, but time does take longer compared to the insecticidal alternatives.
This product is highly recommended for locations that are exposed such as a wardrobe, drawers and under furniture. Diatomaceous earth is safe for humans and can be used liberally under carpets without any adverse long-term effects.

Insecticidal Smoke & Aerosol
Often moths can be in areas that are unreachable by sprays or powders, as an alternative we offer a range of void treatments in both smoke and aerosol format; all containing an insecticide that will kill moths as they come into contact with the formulation.
Void treatments can be used in attics, rooms, wardrobes and confined spaces as a backup to surface sprays. It is important to note that control or an infestation is highly unlikely using these type of devices as the sole treatment method.