Insecticide powder is used to treat enclosed areas away from human habitation including cracks and crevices that moths may be using, within inaccessible voids of furniture or under larger surfaces such a carpet; application of powder is ofcourse more physical in appearance so care must be undertaken in its placement and open access areas should be avoided, especially to non-target animals.
Powder should not be considered as the sole method of control; however correctly situated powder can control small and emerging infestations. Care must be undertaken not to apply bulk or heaps of powder dust as moths are likely to avoid detectable treatments; Entopest powder bottles come equipped with a puffer style applicator on the cap which allows the user to apply powder correctly
Where do I apply the powder?
Our product is ready-to-use and comes with a puffer style cap to allow for easy application; for larger and more comprehesive treatments a handheld duster is highly recpommended. Powder should be applied to all cracks and crevices and confined areas away from animal and human habitation, an example would be applying powder around the rear of wardrobes and under heavy furniture, powder should be applied to confined areas that have shown history of moth activity.
Some moths such as carpet moth are known to have ecosystems under carpets that can both avoid treatments and go undetedted for several years often leaving to users assuming that the infestation is under control. For best results areas of affected carpet should be cleaned both ontop and on the underside folowed by a liberal sprinking of powder to the underside before relaying the capret back into situ.
Does it control an infestation?
Yes but only if the treatment is placed directly over the infestation source and depending as well on the type of moth encountered; certainly for new and emerging infestations powder will work equally as well as liquid alternatives but established infestations will require additional steps to aid in removal
As with all products the user is likely to get far greater results if used as part of a larger treatment package such as spray to surfaces, powders to cracks and crevices and void treatments like smoke or aerosols to large open voids; these multi-treatment approaches whilst a more expensive option is likely to significantly increase the success of any treatments.
Available powder products

Moth Killer Powder
Our insecticide powder is a specialist product designed to control larvae and adult moths that are causing damage to carpets. The professional strength insecticide controls a wide range of textile moths and beetles, including the case-bearing clothes moth; commonly known as the carpet moth.
The container provided with this product contains a puffer nozzle on the opening that allows the user to apply controlled mist applications rather than clumps; this is an essential factor as you do not want the target insect to detect and potentially avoid the treatment. This is also particularly handy when applying product into cracks and crevices in awkward situated areas
This HSE certified ready-to-use powder is supplied in a 390ml puffer top dispenser bottle and holds approval for professional and amateur users. Always read and comply with the label. Contents include 0.5% w/w permethrin. HSE Registration: HSE7334, Vulcan P5 DP. Made in the UK