Sprays for the control of moths should be considered the first and principal method of treatment for both emerging and established infestations; if applied correctly the high-strength insecticide supplied by Entopest will kill all adult moths as they land on treated surfaces as well as they develop through the larvae stages.
Spraying moths is a proven method of control and often the main approach was undertaken by a professional operator; of course application is only successful if the application of the spray is undertaken correctly and to the areas of the infestation, so we always recommend that if applicable and available that a pheromone is used so users can understand the size and location of the infestation.
Entopest provide a professional strength insecticide suitable for the control of moths, unlike other more basic formulations our products contain a combination of 3 different treatment approaches that offer a superior control including the use of an IGR (Insect Growth Regulator); a chemical that inhibits the life cycle of an insect and heavily.
Where do I apply the spray?
Our products are already prepared for application and the user simply needs to point and apply to the areas of infestation; of course only after reading the label! Spray should be applied to all areas that moths are landing such as within cupboards, wardrobes, floors and walls. The amount of spray required will vary depending on the treatment area.
Some exceptions ofcourse do apply including directly on clothing, electrical.
Does it control an infestation?
Yes but it all depends on the application of the product; often moths such as common clothes moth may need additional measures of control including cleaning of infested clothing as insecticides should not be used on clothing materials; also depending on the type of infestation additional steps may have to be undertaken including location and removing sources that may be encouraging the infestation.
As with all products the user is likely to get far greater results if used as part of a larger treatment package such as spray to surfaces, powders to cracks and crevices and void treatments like smoke or aerosols to large open voids; these multi-treatment approaches whilst a more expensive option is likely to significantly increase the success of any treatments.
Available spray products

Clothes Moth Killer Spray
Our mixed-formulation ready-to-use spray is a specialist product designed to control larvae and adult moths that are associated with clothes moths. Spray should be applied to surfaces within and around the problematic areas including wardrobes, soft furnishings and carpets. Always read the label; this product is not for direct application to clothes.
This HSE certified ready-to-use spray is supplied in a 1-litre trigger spray and holds approval for professional and amateur users. Contents include 0.1% w/w cypermethrin, 0.01% w/w pyriproxyfen and 0.05% w/w chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium extract. HSE Registration: Entopest Insect Killer Spray, Registration No: HSE10797. Made in the UK

Carpet Moth Killer Spray
Our mixed-formulation ready-to-use spray is a specialist product designed to control larvae and adult moths that are causing damage to carpets. The professional strength insecticide controls a wide range of textile moths and beetles, including the case-bearing clothes moth; commonly known as carpet moth
This HSE certified ready-to-use spray is supplied in a 1-litre trigger spray and holds approval for professional and amateur users. Contents include 0.1% w/w cypermethrin, 0.01% w/w pyriproxyfen and 0.05% w/w chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium extract. HSE Registration: Entopest Insect Killer Spray, Registration No: HSE10797. Made in the UK

Universal Killer Spray
Our high strength mixed-formulation ready-to-use spray works against a wide range of commonly found pest insects, including bedbugs, fleas, ants, mites, beetles, cockroaches, moths, flies, wasps, mosquitoes, general crawling and flying insects
This HSE certified ready-to-use spray is supplied in a 1-litre trigger spray and holds approval for professional and amateur users. Contents include 0.1% w/w cypermethrin, 0.01% w/w pyriproxyfen and 0.05% w/w chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium extract. HSE Registration: Entopest Insect Killer Spray, Registration No: HSE10797. Made in the UK