Often clothes moths can have deep ecosystems away from human habitation, and treatment can sometimes be hard or impossible to reach; insecticide void treatments are used to quickly reach and kill insect activity and are an essential treatment method in moth control. Void treatments are used to quickly control and kill any active moths present at the time of treatment; void treatments leave little to no residue, so they do not have any long-term control, so they are best used as part of a larger treatment plan that would include liquids and sprays. Using void treatment as the sole method of control will unlikely control an established infestation.
Primarily we offer two types of void treatments, either smoke or aerosol. Both products work principally in the same way, and the differences are generally down to risks within the treatment area or simply the size of the infestation.
Smoke Mini Fogs – Smoke mini fogs (commonly known as bombs) are small applicators that, once activated, have a slow burning wick that triggers a chemical reaction within the contents which releases smoke into the treatment area; the smoke carries insecticide into voids and open spaces and kills any adult insects that are present. A flame is used to activate the device, and the container must be placed on a heat-proof plate. A 3.5g container will treat an area to a maximum of 30m2
Aerosol Foggers – This is an aerosol-charged device with a single-shot trigger that, once pushed fully down, dispenses the entire insecticide contents within the room. Similar to the above mini fog, the contents will control any active adults that are present in the room at the time of treatment. This type of product should not be used within areas of a naked flame; users should always read and comply with the label. Every 150ml can control an area up to 40m2
Where do I apply the void products?
Treatment products should be used directly within the area of infestation; an example would be the placement of the product directly in or under furniture; subject to compliance with the product label. Other locations would be in the centre of the room that has moths present. Users should remove non-target animals from the treatment room and steps should be made to reduce the product escaping the treatment area once applied such as closing windows and sealing around doors; the longer the insecticide remains present within the treatment area will result in a better control.
Users should vacate the treatment area immediately and should not return until after the product has dispersed, preferably leaving at least 2 hours.
Does it control an infestation?
No, however, it may prevent emerging or small infestations. Void treatments are best used as part of a larger treatment approach, including powders and liquid sprays. Void treatments do not leave a residue, so they are only effective at the time of the treatment and until they disperse; both smoke and aerosols have little effect on larvae or eggs. Void treatments are best used to quickly reduce active adult moth populations.
Available spray products